Arianit Fazliu

Tech lead & solutions architect.

Arianit is a tech-lead and solutions architect with more than a decade-long background in software development, management, and leadership. He is passionate about growth and leadership and brings his extensive experience and expertise to his role as the CEO & Co-Founder of Kutia, leading the company and executing its mission to ensure the delivery of innovative and efficient digital solutions to clients worldwide. Kutia owns a robust portfolio that includes startups and companies that have earned millions of dollars from different investment models, showing that it is possible to develop high-quality software solutions in Kosovo and compete on the global stage. Arianit serves as a board member of Beetroot Academy in Kosovo, as a member of the Board of Governors of the American Chamber of Kosovo, as member of Industrial Board of the AAB University and an investor in emerging startups such as Ga Ga Kenge per Femije; a thriving startup that offers an educational channel for Albanian-speaking children, promoting children's learning and entertainment.